Height regime
Developed area
1 486 m2
The designed building has the function of archive.
The height regime is one floor with height of 7.50 m, measured from the ground level slab to under the main beam.

The plane shape of the building is regular, with orthogonal axes, the structure is inscribed into
a rectangle with sides of 56.69 x 26.69 m.
The structure is made of precast reinforced concrete, with columns, main beams,
and secondary beams(purlins).
The structural system of the one-story building is with the cantilever columns, connected at
top through a horizontal diaphragm materialized by the precast RC beams and steel bracings.
The structural system is arranged on an orthogonal grid with the following interaxes:
- longitudinal 3 x 19.60 m
- transversal 28.80 m.

The designed foundation system is made up of isolated footings under the concrete columns, having a precast sleeve and monolithic footing.
The floor slab was designed to be made of reinforced concrete with a thickness of 20 cm.

Inside the building, independent of the main precast RC structure,confined masonry walls are used to create independent fire compartments. The walls will be supported by a continuous monolithic foundation with local flaring at the confinement columns of the masonry wall.